Letters to the editor from the March 21 edition Concord Journal

Letters to the editor from the March 21 edition Concord Journal

Support the library

When you work at our library, you are surrounded by marbled, male beauty: the magisterial Emerson, the quirky Thoreau and the Byronic Hawthorne, but William Monroe, the 19th century local boy who made good, the guy who put the “free” in Concord Free Public Library, quickly became the man of my dreams. This is because, in addition to providing the library building itself, Monroe established a “corporation,” with a board of up to 11 worthies, to attend to the needs of that building. Trust me, the needs of public buildings are vast and unending and Concord taxpayers have been spared most of those expenses at the library since 1873.

These library trustees propose an addition to the library that will solve two longstanding problems. The first is to provide flexible space for programs and performances that eliminates the current need to strictly limit the number of people who can attend a lecture or concert. When not being used to accommodate a large audience, this space will be dividable into appropriate-size areas solving the second problem — the local lack of enough free meeting and group working spaces.

This year at Town Meeting, two articles will provide funds capping a five-year planning process to build this addition. Please join me in supporting Articles 7 and 22 at Town Meeting.

Barbara Powell

Heaths Bridge Road, Concord

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