Letters to the editor from the March 28 edition Concord Journal

Letters to the editor from the March 28 edition Concord Journal

Concord Free Public Library is a great resource

I’m a person who sticks with what works. For example, there are so many great restaurants in Concord, there’s little point in leaving town. It’s also true for clothes, hardware, hair care and many other things.

May I submit that the Concord Free Public Library is another entity which works. Let’s start with our library having two locations — Main Branch and Fowler. Most surrounding towns have only one. Second, if you’re curious about something, the amount of content at your fingertips is phenomenal. After seeing the movie “Darkest Hour,” I stopped by the library to see what it offered on Winston Churchill and found the stacks full of books on the man.

Importantly, there’s more to today’s library than books. Allow me to demonstrate with this dizzying list. It is your source for documentary videos, movies and audio books. If you’d like to convert old technology to new, it can be done with equipment like Photo-to-Digital JPEG, cassette-to-MP3, VHS-to-digital. I’m not even gonna mention the virtual reality glasses, which just became available. Oops.

The CFPL also holds an incredible art collection, rare books and special historical items which can only be found in Concord.

It has always been your resource for work space, which brings us to the new project. The plan is to create a walkway between the main branch and an adjacent home, which was purchased in 2013. There will be a meeting place for coffee and conversations, and the converted building will offer space for an enlarged children’s library and a DIY workshop. The existing children’s library will be converted into flexible, large group meeting and programming space.

To learn more about library resources and the expansion, please visit the CFPL website at concordlibrary.org.

— Pete Olsen, Harrington Avenue, Concord

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