Hilary Steinart Letter to the editor

Hilary Steinart Letter to the editor

Dear Editor,

I have lived in Concord for over 20 years – and in that time, have raised 3 kids (now teenagers) and spent countless hours on fields, playgrounds, in museums, parks, schools, theaters and other public spaces in Concord  – but perhaps the most important space that we have used is our Library.  From our earliest days going to the children’s reading room, pajama sing-a-longs and community art exhibits where our daughter’s art class exhibited their prized work, to finding books for elementary and middle school research projects and more, the Library has sustained our family as an enriching source of entertainment, knowledge and community. Over the last 20 years, we have also witnessed a tremendous evolutionary growth in the online world – and one might begin to question the usefulness of libraries.  I would propose that it is now more than ever that we need to not only take care of our library, but help it evolve so that we can retain the value of community and human connection.  The “Connecting our Community” campaign for the Library renovation reimagines ways that we can use the library.  It preserves, expands and improves current uses – like the children’s room which will increase in size by 50%, allowing more space for hands on projects and additional programming while preserving space for quiet reading.  The project includes an expanded space for teens, giving middle schoolers a dedicated space to meet, collaborate, do homework and socialize.  The new Forum provides a new 140 seat venue for daytime and evening programs and lectures – sure to enrich our community and encourage community gathering.  These are just a few of the highlights.  What I love most about the plans is the focus on enhancing and bringing together community in a way that is fully accessible to all.

The campaigns goals preserve and strengthen the library’s central mission.  I hope the Concord Community will support this project and, in doing so, pay it forward, if you will, to preserve and enhance our community’s personal connectivity for generations to come.


Hilary Steinert

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